Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Social Sector
We commit to ensure an efficient City Government, sustained by dignified and competent officials and employees working towards the fulfilment of our common goals and who adhere to the Ten Codes of Discipline.
Economic Sector
A corps of disciplined and competent civil servants dedicated to the efficient and effective delivery of basic services to an empowered citizenry driven by the ideals of responsible stewardship and committed to the principles of transparent, accountable and equitable governance.

Infrastructure and Utilities Sector
To achieve our common vision, we commit to ensure a cohesive community of empowered citizens and dignified public servants working together and adhering to a code of discipline in the fulfillment of our collective goals.

Environment and Land Use Sector
To achieve our common vision, we commit to ensure a cohesive citizenry sustained by dignified and world class officials and employees who are working together towards the fulfillment of our collective goals.


10 Codes of Discipline
1. Godly
2. Positive Thinker
3. Creative
4. Clean and Neat
5. Agile/Swift
6. Honest and Honorable
7. Trustworthy
8. Helpful/Charitable
9. Patriotic
10. Pro-Environment
A. Pablo St. Valenzuela, Metro Manila